

Color Picker

2023年2月26日 — Build a personalized color palette, select colors from webpages with the eyedropper, create color scales, and blend colors.

HTML Color Codes

Easily find HTML color codes for your website using our color picker, color chart and HTML color names with Hex color codes, RGB and HSL values.

Google Color Picker

We've designed a Google Color Picker for you to find your colors in an easy and beautiful way. Stop wasting time, Go pick!

The color system

The Material Design palette tool or 2014 Material Design palettes are available to help you select colors. A diagram of primary and secondary color palettes ...

Color Picker


Color Picker

Identify color from several color palettes. The app database contains more than 1000+ entries from the most famous color palettes: Common colors, RAL Classic, ...

How to use the Google Chrome color picker extension

2023年3月20日 — Chrome color picker features and benefits · Convert colors between HEX, RGB and HSL. · Adjust hue, saturation and lightness. · Pick from a ...

Screen Color Picker 2.0 方便快速的螢幕選色工具

Screen Color Picker 2.0 方便快速的螢幕選色工具


Plastiliq PixelPicker 1.2.7 - 螢幕選色工具

Plastiliq PixelPicker 1.2.7 - 螢幕選色工具
